
evryday life

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


so today bub got his third set of tubes put in his ears. he was a champ. getting him to let go of me to go back with the nurse was tough on him but he did and the he was good. procedure went well and he was back in my arms in no time (less then 30 min) He woke up super happy and very polite, telling all the nurses thankyou. too funny. hopefully this will be the last time that we have to put him thru this. But already I can tell a difference in his hearing. i haven t had to raise my voice for him to hear me at all. lets see how long this set will last.


I'm so tired of living my life around what you think and feel and say, i wish i could just tell you to bugger off! this is my life too. Be an adult suck it up deal with it cause i have for 3 years now. But to say that to you is not worth the agony and pain you will cause in my life. live in my shoes and then tell me that you dont make me miserable.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

in the beginning

Jan 9, 2011

in the beginning there was a blog..... and this is the beginning of my blog. It might get nasty or racist or loving or mushy or even stomach churning, but its me from start to finish and you can love it or leave it.

Love me for me because this is who I am and the stories I will tell are in no ones perspective other than mine!